Scott, To Be Certain


Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Blair Goes In Search of "Pippa"

Look who just got booted from the latest series of Dancing With The Stars And The Most Shithouse Overpaid Inexplicably Beloved Host Ever!

Yes! Blair from the Facts of Life!

Blair, a.k.a. Lisa Whelchel has somehow seen fit to make time in her busy schedule of being married to a pastor, being an outspoken supporter of Christian issues and voting incessantly for Dean Geyer home-schooling her three children to dance on an Aussie TV show!

This is Blair about 20 years ago. She was the rich one (i.e. not the black one, the old one, the fat one or the lesbian).

What a coup! Obviously Blair was coming to visit her friend Pippa, who was allegedly from Australia:

Pippa was played by Sherrie Krenn, who now goes by the name Sherrié Austin - which is really the most ridiculous use of the "e acute" that S2BC has ever seen.

A misspelt bottle of Perrié

However, Sherrie/Sherrié is now a COUNTRY SINGER!

Which is frankly just brilliant.

Klancie is going to need to seriously consider becoming "Klanie" permanently to compete with that shit. Or "Klanice". Or perhaps most pertinently "Klanié".

After all this, it's really a shame to have to break the news that the woman in that dancing photo is actually not God-fearing reformed rich bitch Lisa "Blair Witch" Whelchel but in fact Fiona "Formerly Fat" Falkiner.

Oh w(h)el(che)l.


  • At 5:58 PM, October 04, 2006, Blogger Hules said…

    As I read that, I thought if she was such a zealous Christian, "why is she on Dancing with the Stars?"

    Clearly, I haven't been watching.

    Still, it's a shameful thing to call the winner of a fat-losing contest a 'celebrity'.

    It's a bit Ballarat Begonia Festival Queen.

  • At 6:19 PM, October 04, 2006, Blogger Scott said…

    Hules, I think there's absolutely no point applying any logical thought process to the definition of "celebrity" insofar as it relates to reality television.

    This is also by far the worst case. How about Amber Petty on Celebrity Survivor? Or Lara Bingle on Dancing On Ice!

  • At 7:16 PM, October 04, 2006, Blogger Hules said…

    *vacant expression*
    *vacant expression*
    *still vacant, apparently thinking really hard*

  • At 7:28 PM, October 04, 2006, Blogger Scott said…

    And she didn't actually win, poor love.

  • At 1:22 AM, December 30, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    i luv dean geyer! lol i found some cool pics on :P luv him! lol


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