Welcome, New Year, Make Yourself Comfortable

HEBNY to all - Happy Extremely Belated New Year.
With 2006 now behind us, 2007 will, by all accounts, succeed it.
In addition, 2007 is likely to bring:

Helen Mirren's 3rd Oscar nomination and her 1st win
Meryl Streep's 14th Oscar nomination and her 10th consecutive loss
Kate Winslet's 5th Oscar nomination and 5th consecutive loss
All of this is, of course, enough to warrant mass suicide knowing that Hilary's Wank is 2 for 2.

Million dollar babies don't cry*
*Unless they're undeserving - see also Gwyneth Paltrow, Halle Berry
Apologies for the recent lack of posts - I have been hibernating within an energy-sapping post-holiday motivationless vortex which, I imagine, has not been helped by the fact I have now been alcohol- and caffeine-free for 5 ENTIRE DAYS.
Enter the trusty Oscar lead-up season to rejuvenate me! If, like me, you are a warped individual who ran to the computer first thing this morning to find out the Screen Actors Guild nominees, then please do yourself a favour and religiously check out Nathaniel's Film Experience, unquestionably the web's best and most enjoyable site devoted to film and Oscar season analysis.
S2BC will resume in earnest shortly with the Top 20 Songs of 2006, various other completely unnecessary lists and, perhaps, a film review or two.
In the meantime, what better way to end the year's first post than with an Oscar-themed pun: Please join me in applauding this very funny and very clever headline.
Labels: Gwyneth Paltrow, Helen Mirren, Hilary Swank, Kate Winslet, Meryl Streep, Oscars, SAG Awards
At 7:08 PM, January 05, 2007,
Anonymous said…
i have missed you scott!
stupid paltrow winning an oscar over our cate was one of the worst oscar decisions EVER!
i think you may be being a little harsh about Horse Swank. Have you seen 'Boys Don't Cry', she totally deserved that win. Million dollar baby, eh not so much
At 8:28 PM, January 05, 2007,
Anna said…
Even worse is the inevitable amount of awards that Scary Bighead Cohen is going to win for Borat - and his acceptance speeches we'll be forced to endure, Lord help us!
At 12:12 AM, January 06, 2007,
Scott said…
Anonymous: I agree with you, hence my comment about the crying - Hilary is only crying with her Million Dollar Statuette.
Anna: no, I think you'll find there will be precious little for Borat in the acting stakes - though critics sure do love him!
At 7:07 AM, September 28, 2011,
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